Notes for your visit
Dear visitors,
the Panorama is open daily from 10 am - 6 pm. The corresponding tickets can be booked online if desired, but a purchase at the box office is also possible.
We reserve the right to make changes due to current developments and decisions of the Berlin Senate. Please additionally inform yourself on the page of the Berlin Senate about the currently valid safety and hygiene measures:
Please note for your visit:
From Monday, 15. November 2021, access to the exhibition is only possible for recovered or vaccinated visitors. The corresponding proof must be shown at the entrance. The proof must be digitally verifiable - for example, via the federal government's Corona Warn app or the Robert Koch Institute's CovPass app. Printed QR codes can also be verified digitally.
Students up to 18 years can prove their student status and the accompanying regular testing at school by presenting a student ID. If no testing is done through the school, a negative test must be presented.
Individuals who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons must test negative by means of a test (no more than 24 hours old) and prove their ability to be vaccinated by means of a doctor's certificate.
A medical mask or FFP2 mask must be worn in all exhibition areas.
The booking of an online ticket is recommended! Therefore, book your time slot ticket in advance or alternatively a day ticket, which you can redeem on the day of your visit during opening hours. Spontaneous visitors can also purchase tickets at the box office. Please call for information on ticket booking for special discounts (for example Berlin WelcomeCard).
The observance of distance and hygiene rules still applies. Corresponding instructions and information can also be found on site in the exhibition.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 030.695 80 86 01 or by
e-mail at