Adress and Direction
asisi Panorama Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie
Friedrichstraße 205
10117 Berlin
Getting there by bus or metro
Kochstrasse / Checkpoint Charlie
U6 M29
Stadtmitte / Leipziger Strasse
Getting there by car
There are no general parking spaces on site. There are 2 parking spaces for the disabled.
Adult 14 Euros
Reduced* 11 Euros
Children* 7 Euros
Group 10 Euros
10 persons or more
Price per person
School groups* 6 Euros
10 persons or more
Price per person
Parent child ticket* 32 Euros
asisi Panorama Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie
Friedrichstraße 205
10117 Berlin
Getting there by bus or metro
Kochstrasse / Checkpoint Charlie
U6 M29
Stadtmitte / Leipziger Strasse
Getting there by car
There are no general parking spaces on site. There are 2 parking spaces for the disabled.
Online ticket purchase for individual visitors only
Groups of 10 persons or more
Registration required
under +49 30 695808601 or
Berlin tickets
Secure one of the various special tickets and visit the asisi Panorama Berlin and other facilities.
Opening hours
Open daily from
10am - 6pm!
Ticket shop
Book your ticket to visit the Panorama online. With our FlexiTicket you can also visit us spontaneously.
You want to make a gift of the ticket?
Here you can download and print suitable gift envelopes. We have prepared 4 motifs for you.
More articles like panorama poster, panorama booklet and postcard can be found in the
You can buy gift vouchers at the ticket desk in the asisi Panorama Berlin during opening times. You can also order vouchers to be sent by post at our Info and Service Centre.
Partial disabled access
The entrance to the Panorama building is at ground level and accessible for wheelchair users. The 4-meter high visitor platform does not have an elevator, however the Panorama installation is accessible throughout the entire lower area.
Animals are not allowed in the exhibition at the present time.